- Jordan, Bill [William Henry].
No Second Place Winner.
Concord, NH: Police Bookshelf, [1965] 1989.
ISBN 0-936279-09-5.
This thin (114 page) book is one of the all-time classics of
gunfighting, written by a man whose long career in the U.S. Border
Patrol in an era when the U.S. actually defended its southern border
schooled him in the essentials of bringing armed hostilities to an
end as quickly and effectively as possible while minimising risk to
the lawman. Although there are few pages and many pictures, in a way
that's part of the message: there's nothing particularly complicated
about winning a gunfight; it's a matter of skill acquired by patient
practice until one can perform reliably under the enormous stress of
a life-or-death situation. All of the refinements and complexity of
“combat shooting” competitions are a fine game, the author argues,
but have little to do with real-world situations where a peace
officer has no alternative to employing deadly force.
The author stresses repeatedly that one shouldn't attempt to learn
the fast draw or double action hip shooting techniques he teaches
before having completely mastered single action aimed fire at
bullseye targets, and advocates extensive dry-fire practice and
training with wax or plastic primer-only practice loads before
attempting the fast draw with live ammunition, “unless you wish to
develop the three-toed limp of the typical Hollywood ‘gunslinger’”
(p. 61). Jordan considers the double action revolver the only
suitable weapon for a law officer, but remember that this book was
written forty years ago, before the advent of today's light and
reliable semiautomatics with effective factory combat loads. Still,
the focus is on delivering the first shot to the malefactor's
centre of gravity before he pulls the trigger, so magazine capacity
and speedy reloading aren't as high priorities as they may be with
today's increasingly militarised police.
This book is out of print, but used copies are readily available.
August 2005