- Barks, Carl.
Back to the Klondike.
Prescott, AZ: Gladstone, [1953] 1987.
ISBN 0-944599-02-8.
When this comic was originally published in 1953, the editors
considered Barks's rendition of the barroom fight and Scrooge
McDuck's argument with his old flame Glittering Goldie a bit too
violent for the intended audience and cut those panels from the first
edition. They are restored here, except for four lost panels which
have been replaced by a half-page pencil drawing of the fight scene
by Barks, inked and coloured in his style for this edition.
Ironically, this is one of the first Scrooge comics which shows the
heart of gold (hey, he can afford it!) inside the prickly skinflint.

- York, Byron.
The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.
New York: Crown Forum, 2005.
ISBN 1-4000-8238-2.
The 2004 presidential election in the United States was heralded as
the coming of age of “new media”: Internet-based activism such as
MoveOn, targeted voter contact like America Coming Together,
political Weblogs, the Air America talk radio network, and
politically-motivated films such as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit
9/11 and Robert Greenwald's Uncovered and
Outfoxed. Yet, in the end, despite impressive (in fact
unprecedented) fund-raising, membership numbers, and audience
figures, the thoroughly conventional Bush campaign won the election,
performing better in essentially every way compared to the 2000
results. This book explores what went wrong with the “new politics”
revolution, and contains lessons that go well beyond the domain of
politics and the borders of the United States.
The many-to-many mass medium which is the Internet provides a
means for those with common interests to find one another,
organise, and communicate unconstrained by time and distance.
MoveOn, for example, managed so sign up 2.5 million members,
and this huge number and giddy rate of growth persuaded those
involved that they had tapped into a majority which could be
mobilised to not only win, but as one of the MoveOn founders
said not long before the election, “Yeah, we're going to win by
a landslide” (p. 45). But while 2.5 million members is
an impressive number, it is quite small compared to the approximately
120 million people who voted in the presidential election. That
electorate is made up of about 15 million hard-core liberals
and about the same number of uncompromising conservatives. The
remaining 90 million are about evenly divided in leaning one
direction or another, but are open to persuasion.
The Internet and the other new media appear to have provided
a way for committed believers to connect with one another, ending
up in an echo chamber where they came to believe that everybody
shared their views. The approximately USD 200 million
that went into these efforts was spent, in effect, preaching
to the choir—reaching people whose minds were already made up.
Outreach to swing voters was ineffective because if you're in
a community which believes that anybody who disagrees is insane or
brainwashed, it's difficult to persuade the undecided. Also, the
closed communication loop of believers pushes rhetoric to the
extremes, which alienates those in the middle.
Although the innovations in the 2004 campaign had negligible
electoral success, they did shift the political
landscape away from traditional party organisations to an
auxiliary media-savvy network funded by wealthy donors. The
consequences of this will doubtless influence U.S. politics in
the future. The author, White House correspondent for
National Review, writes from a conservative standpoint but
had excellent access to the organisations about which he
writes in the run-up to the election and provides an
inside view of the new politics in the making. You have to
take the author's research on faith, however, as there is not
a single source citation in the book. The book's title was
inspired by a 2001
“Wanted: A
Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy”; there is no suggestion
of the existence of a conspiracy in a legal sense.

- Rucker, Rudy.
Mathematicians in Love.
New York: Tor, 2006.
ISBN 0-7653-1584-X.
I read this book in manuscript form; the manuscript was dated
2005-07-28. Now that Tor have issued a hardcover edition,
I've added its ISBN to this item.
Notes and reviews
are available on
Rudy's Weblog.

- Smith, L. Neil.
The Lando Calrissian Adventures.
New York: Del Rey, [1983] 1994.
ISBN 0-345-39110-1.
This volume collects together the three
Lando Calrissian
short novels:
Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu,
Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, and
Lando Calrissian and the StarCave of ThonBoka,
originally published separately in 1983 and now out of print (but readily
available second-hand). All three novels together are just
409 mass market paperback pages.
I wouldn't usually bother with an item of Star Wars
but as these yarns were written by one of my favourite science fiction
authors, exalted cosmic libertarian L. Neil Smith,
I was curious to see what he'd make of a character created by the Lucas organisation.
It's pretty good, especially as a gentle introduction for younger readers
who might be more inclined to read a story with a Star Wars hook
than the more purely libertarian (although no more difficult to read)
The Probability Broach
(now available in a comic book edition!)
or Pallas.
The three novels, which form a continuous story arc and are best
read in order, are set in the period after Lando has won the
Millennium Falcon in a card game but before he
encounters Han Solo and loses the ship to him the same way. Lando
is the only character in the Star Wars canon who
appears here; if the name of the protagonist and ship were changed,
one would scarcely guess the setting was the Star Wars
universe, although parts of the “back-story” are filled in here
and there, such as how a self-described interstellar gambler and con
artiste came to be an expert starship pilot,
why the steerable quad-guns on the Falcon “recoil” when they fire like
World War II ack-ack guns, and how Lando laid his hands
on enough money to “buy an entire city” (p. 408).
Lando's companion in all the adventures is the droid Vuffi Raa, also
won in a card game, who is a full-fledged character and far more
intriguing than any of the droids in the Star Wars
movies. Unlike the stilted and mechanical robots of the films, Vuffi
Raa is a highly dextrous starfish-like creature, whose five
fractal-branching tentacles can detach and work independently, and who
has human-level intelligence, a mysterious past (uncovered
as the story progresses), and ethical conflicts between his built-in pacifism
and moral obligation to his friends when they are threatened. (The
cover art is hideous; Vuffi Raa, an elegant and lithe
creature in the story, is shown as something like a squared-off R2-D2
with steel dreadlocks.) Now that computer graphics permits bringing
to film any character the mind can imagine, Vuffi Raa would make a
marvelous addition to a movie: for once, a robot fully as capable as
a human without being even remotely humanoid.
The first novel is more or less straightforward storytelling, while
the second and third put somewhat more of a libertarian edge on
things. StarCave of ThonBoka does an excellent job
of demonstrating how a large organisation built on fear and coercion,
regardless how formidably armed, is vulnerable to those who think
and act for themselves. This is a theme which fits perfectly with
the Star Wars movies which occur in this era,
but cannot be more than hinted at within the constraints of a

- Smith, Edward E.
Gray Lensman.
Baltimore: Old Earth Books, [1939-1940, 1951] 1998.
ISBN 1-882968-12-3.
This is the fourth volume of the
series, following
(June 2004),
First Lensman
(February 2005),
Galactic Patrol
(March 2005).
Gray Lensman ran in serial form in Astounding
Science Fiction from October 1939 through January 1940. This
book is a facsimile of the illustrated 1951 Fantasy Press edition,
which was revised somewhat from the original magazine serial.
Gray Lensman is one of the most glittering
nuggets of the Golden Age of science fiction. In this
story, Doc Smith completely redefined the standard
for thinking big and created an arena for the conflict
between civilisation and chaos that's larger than a
galaxy. This single novel has more leaps of
the imagination than some other authors content themselves
with in their entire careers. Here we encounter the “primary
projector”: a weapon which can only be used when no
enemy can possibly survive or others observe
because the mere knowledge that it exists may compromise
its secret (this, in a story written more that a decade
before the first hydrogen bomb); the “negasphere”: an object
which, while described as based on antimatter, is remarkably
similar to a black hole (first described by J.R. Oppenheimer
and H. Snyder in 1939, the same year the serial began to
run in Astounding); the hyper-spatial tube (like a
traversable wormhole); the Grand Fleet (composed of one million
combat units); the Z9M9Z Directrix command ship, with
its “tank” display 700 feet wide by 80 feet thick able to show
the tactical situation in an entire galaxy at once; directed
planetary impact weapons;
a multi-galactic crime syndicate; insects and worms as allies of
the good guys; organ regeneration; and more. Once you've experienced
the Doc Smith universe, the Star Wars Empire may feel
small and antiquated.
This edition contains two Forewords: the author's original, intended
to bring readers who haven't read the earlier books up to speed,
and a snarky postmodern excretion by John Clute which is best skipped.
If you're reading the Lensman series for the
first time (this is my fourth), it's best to start either at
the beginning with Triplanetary, or with
Galactic Patrol, which was written first and
stands on its own, not depending on any of the material
introduced in the first two “prequel” volumes.

- Jordan, Bill [William Henry].
No Second Place Winner.
Concord, NH: Police Bookshelf, [1965] 1989.
ISBN 0-936279-09-5.
This thin (114 page) book is one of the all-time classics of
gunfighting, written by a man whose long career in the U.S. Border
Patrol in an era when the U.S. actually defended its southern border
schooled him in the essentials of bringing armed hostilities to an
end as quickly and effectively as possible while minimising risk to
the lawman. Although there are few pages and many pictures, in a way
that's part of the message: there's nothing particularly complicated
about winning a gunfight; it's a matter of skill acquired by patient
practice until one can perform reliably under the enormous stress of
a life-or-death situation. All of the refinements and complexity of
“combat shooting” competitions are a fine game, the author argues,
but have little to do with real-world situations where a peace
officer has no alternative to employing deadly force.
The author stresses repeatedly that one shouldn't attempt to learn
the fast draw or double action hip shooting techniques he teaches
before having completely mastered single action aimed fire at
bullseye targets, and advocates extensive dry-fire practice and
training with wax or plastic primer-only practice loads before
attempting the fast draw with live ammunition, “unless you wish to
develop the three-toed limp of the typical Hollywood ‘gunslinger’”
(p. 61). Jordan considers the double action revolver the only
suitable weapon for a law officer, but remember that this book was
written forty years ago, before the advent of today's light and
reliable semiautomatics with effective factory combat loads. Still,
the focus is on delivering the first shot to the malefactor's
centre of gravity before he pulls the trigger, so magazine capacity
and speedy reloading aren't as high priorities as they may be with
today's increasingly militarised police.
This book is out of print, but used copies are readily available.