- Reagan, Ronald.
The Reagan Diaries.
Edited by Douglas Brinkley.
New York: Harper Perennial, 2007.
ISBN 978-0-06-155833-7.
What's it actually like to be the president of the United States?
There is very little first-person testimony on this topic: among American
presidents, only Washington, John Quincy Adams, Polk, and Hayes kept
comprehensive diaries prior to the twentieth century, and the present
work, an abridged edition of the voluminous diaries of Ronald Reagan,
was believed, at the time of its publication, to be the only personal,
complete, and contemporaneous account of a presidency in the
twentieth century. Since its publication, a book purporting to be the
White House diaries of Jimmy Carter has been published,
but even if you believe the content, who cares about the account of the
presidency of a feckless crapweasel whose damage to the republic redounds
unto the present day?
Back in the epoch, the media (a couple of decades later to become the
legacy media), portrayed Reagan as a genial dunce, bumbling through his
presidency at the direction of his ideological aides. That illusion is
dispelled in the first ten pages of these contemporaneous diary entries.
In these pages, rife with misspellings (he jokes to himself that he always
spells the Libyan dictator's name the last way he saw it spelt in the
newspaper, and probably ended up with at least a dozen different spellings)
apostrophe abuse,
you experience Reagan not writing for historians but rather memos to file
about the decisions he was making from day to day.
As somebody who was unfortunate enough to spend a brief part of his
life as CEO of an S&P 500 company in the Reagan years, the
ability of Reagan, almost forty years my senior, to keep dozens of
balls in the air, multitask among grave matters of national security
and routine paperwork, meetings with heads of states of
inconsequential countries, criminal investigations of his
subordinates, and schmooze with politicians staunchly opposed to his
legislative agenda to win the votes needed to enact the parts he
deemed most important is simply breathtaking. Here we see a chief
executive, honed by eight years as governor of California, at the top
of his game, deftly out-maneuvering his opponents in Congress not, as
the media would have you believe, by his skills in communicating
directly to the people (although that played a part), but mostly by
plain old politics: faking to the left and then scoring the point from
the right. Reading these abridged but otherwise unedited diary
entries gives lie to any claim that Reagan was in any way
intellectually impaired or unengaged at any point of his presidency.
This is a master politician getting done what he can in the prevailing
political landscape and committing both his victories and
teeth-gritting compromises to paper the very day they occurred.
One of the most stunning realisations I took away from this book is that
when Reagan came to office, he looked upon his opposition in the Congress
and the executive bureaucracy as people who shared his love of the country
and hope for its future, but who simply disagreed as to the best course to
achieve their shared goals. You can see it slowly dawning upon Reagan, as
year followed year, that although there were committed New Dealers and
Cold War Democrats among his opposition, there was a growing movement, both
within the bureaucracy and among elected officials, who actually wanted to
bring America down—if not to actually capitulate to Soviet
hegemony, at least to take it down from superpower status to a peer of others
in the “international community”. Could Reagan have imagined that
the day would come when a president who bought into this agenda might actually
sit in the Oval Office? Of course: Reagan was well-acquainted with worst case
The Kindle edition is generally well-produced, but in
lieu of a proper index substitutes a lengthy and entirely useless list of
“searchable terms” which are not linked in any way to their
appearances in the text.
Today is the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan.
February 2011