Reich, Eugenie Samuel.
Plastic Fantastic.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 2009.
ISBN 978-0-230-62384-2.
Boosters of Big Science, and the politicians who rely upon its
pronouncements to justify their policy prescriptions often
cite the self-correcting nature of the scientific process: peer
review subjects the work of researchers to independent and
dispassionate scrutiny before results are published, and should an
incorrect result make it into print, the failure of independent
researchers to replicate it will inevitably call it into question
and eventually cause it to be refuted.
Well, that's how it works in theory. Theory is very big in contemporary
Big Science. This book is about how things work in fact, in the real
world, and it's quite a bit different. At the turn of the century,
there was no hotter property in condensed matter physics than
Hendrik Schön,
a junior researcher at Bell Labs who, in rapid succession reported breakthroughs
in electronic devices fabricated from organic molecules including:
- Organic field effect transistors
- Field-induced superconductivity in organic crystals
- Fractional quantum Hall effect in organic materials
- Organic crystal laser
- Light emitting organic transistor
- Organic Josephson junction
- High temperature superconductivity in C60
- Single electron organic transistors
In the year 2001, Schön published a paper in a peer reviewed journal
at a rate of one every eight days, with many reaching the
empyrean heights of Nature, Science, and
Physical Review. Other labs were in awe of his results,
and puzzled because every attempt they made to replicate his experiments
failed, often in ways which seemed to indicate the descriptions of experiments
he published were insufficient for others to replicate them. Theorists
also raised their eyebrows at Schön's results, because he claimed
breakdown properties of sputtered aluminium oxide insulating layers far
beyond measured experimental results, and behaviour of charge transport in
his organic substrates which didn't make any sense according to the known
properties of such materials.
The experimenters were in a tizzy, trying to figure out why they couldn't
replicate Schön's results, while the theorists were filling blackboards
trying to understand how his incongruous results could possibly make sense.
His superiors were basking in the reflected glory of his ascendence into
the élite of experimental physicists and the reflection
of his glory upon their laboratory.
In April 2002, while waiting in the patent attorney's office at Bell
Labs, researchers Julia Hsu and Lynn Loo were thumbing through copies of
Schön's papers they'd printed out as background documentation for
the patent application they were preparing, when Loo noticed that two
graphs of inverter outputs, one in a Nature paper describing
a device made of a layer of thousands of organic molecules, and another in
a Science paper describing an inverter made of just one or
two active molecules were identical, right down to the instrumental
noise. When this was brought to the attention of Schön's manager and
word of possible irregularities in Schön's publications began
to make its way through the condensed matter physics grapevine, his work
was subjected to intense scrutiny both within Bell Labs and by outside
researchers, and additional instances of identical graphs re-labelled for
entirely different experiments came to hand. Bell Labs launched a formal
investigation in May 2002, which concluded, in a report issued the following
September, that Schön had committed at least 16 instances of scientific
misconduct, fabricating the experimental data he reported from mathematical
functions, with no evidence whatsoever that he had ever built the devices
he claimed to have, or performed the experiments described in his papers.
A total of twenty-one papers authored by Schön in Science,
Nature, and Physical Review were withdrawn, as
well as a number in less prestigious venues.
What is fascinating in this saga of flat-out fraud and ultimate exposure
and disgrace is how completely the much-vaunted system of checks and balances of
industrial scale Big Science and peer review in the most prestigious
journals completely fell on its face at the hands of a fraudster in a
junior position with little or no scientific track record who was willing
to make up data to confirm the published expectations of the theorists, and
figured out how to game the peer review system, using criticisms of his
papers as a guide to make up additional data to satisfy the objections
of the referees. As a former manager of a group of ambitious and rambunctious
technologists, what strikes me is how utterly Schön's colleagues and
managers at Bell Labs failed in overseeing his work and vetting his
claims require extraordinary evidence”, and Schön was making
and publishing extraordinary claims at the rate of almost one a week in 2001,
and yet not once did anybody at Bell Labs insist on observing him perform one of
the experiments he claimed to be performing, even after other meticulous
experimenters in laboratories around the world reported that they were
unable to replicate his results. Think about it—if a junior software
developer in your company claimed to have developed a miraculous application,
wouldn't you want to see a demo before issuing a press release about it and filing
a patent application? And yet nobody at Bell Labs thought to do so with
Schön's work.
The lessons from this episode are profound, and I see little evidence that they
have been internalised by the science establishment. A great deal of experimental
science is now guided by the expectations of theorists; it is difficult to obtain
funding for an experimental program which looks for effects not anticipated by
theory. In such an environment, an unscrupulous scientist willing to make up
data that conforms to the prejudices of the theorists may be able to publish
in prestigious journals and be considered a rising star of science based on an
entirely fraudulent corpus of work. Because scientists, especially in the Anglo-Saxon
culture, are loath to make accusations of fraud (as the author notes, in the golden
age of British science such an allegation might well result in a duel being fought),
failure to replicate experimental results is often assumed to be a failure by
the replicator to precisely reproduce the circumstances of the original investigator,
not to call into question the veracity of the reported work. Schön's work
consisted of desktop experiments involving straightforward measurements of
electrical properties of materials, which were about as simple as anything in
contemporary science to evaluate and independently replicate. Now think of
how vulnerable research on far less clear cut topics such as global climate,
effects of diet on public health, and other topics would be to fraudulent,
agenda-driven “research”. Also, Schön got caught only because
he became sloppy in his frenzy of publication, duplicating graphs and data sets
from one paper to another. How long could a more careful charlatan get away with it?
Quite aside from the fascinating story and its implications for the
integrity of the contemporary scientific enterprise, this is a
superbly written narrative which reads more like a thriller than an
account of a regrettable episode in science. But it is entirely factual,
and documented with extensive end notes citing original sources.
August 2010