- Florey, Kitty Burns.
Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog.
Hoboken, NJ: Melville House, 2006.
ISBN 1-933633-10-7.
In 1877, Alonzo Reed and and Brainerd Kellogg published Higher
Lessons in English, which introduced their system for the
grammatical diagramming of English sentences. For example, the
sentence “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord
will take me up” (an example from Lesson 63 of their book)
would be diagrammed as:
by Bruce D. Despain.
in the Reed and Kellogg system.
The idea was to make the grammatical structure of the
sentence immediately evident, sharpening students' skills
in parsing sentences and rendering grammatical errors
apparent. This seems to have been one of those cases
when an idea springs upon a world which has, without
knowing it, been waiting for just such a thing.
Sentence diagramming spread through U.S. schools like
wildfire—within a few years Higher Lessons
and the five other books on which Reed and Kellogg
collaborated were selling at the astonishing rate of half
a million copies a year, and diagramming was firmly established
in the English classes of children across the country and
remained so until the 1960s, when it evaporated almost as
rapidly as it had appeared.
The author and I are both members of the last generation who were
taught sentence diagramming at school. She remembers it as having
been “fun” (p. 15), something which was not otherwise
much in evidence in Sister Bernadette's sixth grade classroom. I
learnt diagramming in the seventh grade, and it's the only
part of English class that I recall having enjoyed. (Gertrude
Stein once said [p. 73], “I really do not know
anything that has ever been more exciting than diagramming
sentences.” I don't think I'd go quite that far myself.) In
retrospect, it seems an odd part of the curriculum: we spent about a
month furiously parsing and diagramming, then dropped the whole thing
and never took it up again that year or afterwards; I can't recall ever
diagramming a sentence since.
This book, written by an author and professional copy editor,
charmingly recounts the origin, practice, curiosities,
and decline of sentence diagramming, and introduces the
reader to stalwarts who are keeping it alive today. There are
a wealth of examples from literature, including the 93 word
concluding sentence of Proust's
Time Regained,
which appears as a two-page spread (pp. 94–95).
(The author describes seeing a poster from the 1970s which
diagrams a 958 word Proust sentence without an
explicit subject.)
Does diagramming make one a better writer? The general
consensus, which the author shares, is that it doesn't,
which may explain why it is rarely taught today. While
a diagram shows the grammatical structure of a sentence,
you already have to understand the rules of grammar in order
to diagram it, and you can make perfectly fine looking diagrams
of barbarisms such as “Me and him gone out.”
Also, as a programmer, it disturbs me
that one cannot always unambiguously recover the word order
of the original sentence from a diagram; this is not a problem
with the
tree diagrams
used by linguists today. But something doesn't have to be useful to
be fun (even if not, as it was to Gertrude Stein, exciting), and the
structure of a complex sentence graphically elucidated on a page is
marvellous to behold and rewarding to create. I'm sure some may
disdain those of us who find entertainment in such arcane
intellectual endeavours; after all, the first name of the co-inventor of
diagramming, Brainerd Kellogg, includes both the words
“brain” and “nerd”!
The author's remark on p. 120, “…I must
confess that I like editing my own work more than I do
writing it. I find first drafts painful; what I love is to
revise and polish. Sometimes I think I write simply to have
the fun of editing what I've written.” is one I share,
as Gertrude Stein put it (p. 76), “completely
entirely completely”—and it's a sentiment I don't
ever recall seeing in print before. I think the fact that
students aren't taught that a first draft is simply the
raw material of a cogent, comprehensible document is why
we encounter so many
hideously poorly written
documents on the Web.
The complete text of the 1896 Revised Edition of Reed and
Kellogg's Higher Lessons in English
is available
from Project Gutenberg; the diagrams are rendered as
ASCII art and a little difficult to read until you get
used to them.
Eugene R. Moutoux,
who constructed the diagrams for the complicated sentences
in Florey's book has a
wealth of
information about sentence diagramming on his Web site,
including diagrams of
first-page sentences from literature such as
this beauty
from Nathaniel Hawthorne's
The Scarlet Letter.
January 2007