- Cellan-Jones, Rory. Dot.bomb: The Strange Death of
Dot.com Britain. London: Aurum Press, [2001]
2003. ISBN 1-85410-952-9.
- The dot.com bubble in Britain was shorter and more intense
than in the U.S.—the mania didn't really begin until mid-1999 with
the public share flotation of Freeserve, then collapsed along with
the NASDAQ in the spring of 2000, days after the IPO of evocatively
named lastminute.com (a rare survivor). You're probably aware of
the much-hyped rise, profligate peak, and ugly demise of boo.com,
poster child of the excesses of dot.com Britain, but how about First
Tuesday, which almost succeeded in raising US$15 million from two
venture funds, putting a valuation of US$62 million on what amounted
to a cocktail party? The babe on the back cover beside the
author's biography isn't the author (who is male), but British sitcom
celeb Joanna Lumley, erstwhile spokesblonde for ephemeral on-line
health food peddler Clickmango.com.
May 2004