- Large, Christine. Hijacking Enigma. Chichester,
England: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. ISBN 0-470-86346-3.
- The author, Director of the
Bletchley Park Trust,
recounts the story of the April 2000 theft and eventual recovery
of Bletchley's rare Abwehr Engima cipher machine, interleaved
with a history of Bletchley's World War II exploits in solving
the Engima and its significance in the war. If the latter is your
primary interest, you'll probably prefer Michael Smith's Station X (July 2001), which provides much more technical
and historical detail. Readers who didn't follow the Enigma
theft as it played out and aren't familiar with the names of
prominent British news media figures may feel a bit at sea
in places. A Web site
devoted to the book is now available, and a U.S. edition is scheduled for
publication later in 2003.
September 2003