- Thor, Brad.
New York: Atria Books, 2019.
ISBN 978-1-9821-0403-0.
This is the nineteenth novel in the author's
Harvath series, which began with
The Lions of Lucerne (October 2010).
This is a very different kind of story from the last several
Harvath outings, which involved high-stakes international
brinkmanship, uncertain loyalties, and threats of mass
terror attacks. This time it's up close and personal. Harvath,
paying what may be his last visit to Reed Carlton, his dying ex-CIA
mentor and employer, is the object of a violent kidnapping
attack which kills those to whom he is closest and spirits
him off, drugged and severely beaten, to Russia, where he
is to be subjected to the hospitality of the rulers
whose nemesis he has been for many years (and books) until
he spills the deepest secrets of the U.S. intelligence
After being spirited out of the U.S., the Russian cargo plane
transporting him to the rendition resort where he is to be
“de-briefed” crashes, leaving him…somewhere.
About all he knows is that it's cold, that nobody
knows where he is or that he is alive, and that he has no way to
contact anybody, anywhere who might help.
This is a spare, stark tale of survival. Starting only
with what he can salvage from the wreck of the plane and the
bodies of its crew (some of whom he had to assist in
becoming casualties), he must overcome the elements,
predators (quadripedal and bipedal), terrain, and
uncertainty about his whereabouts and the knowledge and
intentions of his adversaries, to survive and escape.
Based upon what has been done to him, it is also a
tale of revenge. To Harvath, revenge was not a low
state: it was a necessity,
In his world, you didn't let wrongs go unanswered—not
wrongs like this, and especially when you had the ability to
do something. Vengeance was a necessary function of a
civilized world, particularly at its margins, in its most
remote and wild regions. Evildoers, unwilling to submit to
the rule of law, needed to lie awake in their beds at night
worried about when justice would eventually come for them.
If laws and standards were not worth enforcing, then they
certainly couldn't be worth following.
Harvath forms tenuous alliances with those he encounters, and
then must confront an all-out assault by élite
mercenaries who, apparently unsatisfied with the fear induced by
fanatic Russian operatives, model themselves on the Nazi SS.
Then, after survival, it's time for revenge. Harvath has
done his biochemistry homework and learned well the
of suxamethonium
chloride. Sux to be you, Boris.
This is a tightly-crafted thriller which is, in my opinion,
one of best of Brad Thor's novels. There is no political
message or agenda nor any of the Washington intrigue which
has occupied recent books. Here it is a pure struggle
between a resourceful individual, on his own against
amoral forces of pure evil, in an environment as deadly
as his human adversaries.
July 2019