RetroPsychoKinesis Control Run Summary

Last updated: Monday 2025 March 10 6:04 UTC

This report is updated daily

Overall Summary

Total control runs: 219954
Total tries: 225232896
Total hits: 112611691
Overall z: 0.6339 standard deviations

Since each experiment involves 1024 bits, the total number of “Tries” in the next line is 219954×1024, or 225232896. Examination of the bit sequences shows that 112611691 of the total of 225232896 bits were ones. There were, then, 4757 fewer one bits among a total of 225232896 than the most probable chance expectation. This is equivalent to changing one zero bit in every 47347 bits to a one. The measured bias amounts to 0.6339 standard deviations.

Hit Histogram

The following chart summarises the results of all control run experiments since control runs were begun on December 26, 1997.

RPKP Control Run Hit Histogram vs. Expectation

The blue curve gives the normal distribution for a large number of trials of 1024 events with probability 0.5. (For a number of trials as large as 1024, the binomial and normal distributions are equal on the scale of this plot.) The red boxes show the actual number of experimental runs which resulted in the given number of one bits in the 1024 bit stream generated for each control run.

Cumulative Deviation from Expectation

Any experiment involving a random data source can be expected to, in the absence of perturbing influences, follow a random walk around the most probable value. As the number of experiments increases, overall divergences should decrease. When examining the results of such experiments, it's important to satisfy yourself that any non-chance effect you observe doesn't result from the experimenter choosing to show you results at a peak or trough of a series which is swinging to both sides of the chance expectation with a mean value equal to chance. The following is a deviation plot of the all 219954 RPKP control runs to date; it shows the absolute divergence of the experimental results in the direction of bias preselected by the subject compared to that expected by chance, and the divergence in terms of standard deviations for the cumulative number of trials for a probability of 0.5 on each trial.

RPKP Control Run Cumulative Deviation from Expectation

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