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The adjustments to what you eat based on the trend's relationship to the
goal weight are as follows.
You've hit the high
brick wall. Immediately resume the meal plan you used to lose weight
and stay on it until the trend falls to less than the goal weight.
The trend has
risen above the band. Reduce your calorie consumption by cutting out
food slightly more than the calorie excess reported on recent trend charts.
No adjustment is required.
You can, if you wish, fine tune the trend by adding or subtracting
food equal to the deficit or excess reported in the last month's trend
The trend has fallen
below the band. Increase your calorie consumption by slightly more
than the deficit reported on recent trend charts.
You've hit the low brick
wall. Start with the meal plan you used to achieve stable weight at
the end of your diet (see page
), then add
an additional 250 to 500 calories per day. If, at the end of
the next month, you're still more than 5 pounds below the goal, add
even more calories to your meal plan.
By John Walker