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Sunday, March 15, 2009
First Blooms of Spring
The snow is mostly gone (at least for the moment), and the first signs of Spring are at hand.
Click images to enlarge.

The top photo was taken with an ALPA SWA 12 camera with a Schneider 72 mm Apo-Digitar lens and Leaf Aptus 75 digital back. Exposure was 1/2 second at f/32 with ISO 100 sensitivity. The close-up at bottom was taken with a Nikon D300 camera and forty-year-old Micro-Nikkor 55 mm macro lens on a Nikon PK-12 extension tube. Exposure was 1/15 second and f/32 at ISO 640; I used the high sensitivity since the close-ups were taken handheld and the flowers were moving slightly in the breeze, so obtaining the required depth of field while avoiding blur required accepting a bit more noise due to the high ISO setting.
Posted at March 15, 2009 20:32