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Monday, July 14, 2008
Reading List: Backyard Ballistics
- Gurstelle, William. Backyard Ballistics. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55652-375-5
Responsible adults who have a compelling need to launch potatoes 200
metres downrange at high velocity, turn common paper matches into
solid rockets, fire tennis balls high into the sky with duct taped together potato
chip cans (potatoes again!) and a few drops of lighter fluid, launch
water balloons against the aggressor with nothing more than surgical
tubing and a little muscle power, engender UFO reports with shimmering
dry cleaner bag hot air balloons, and more, will find the detailed
instructions they need for such diversions in this book. As in his
Whoosh Boom Splat
(December 2007), the author provides detailed directions for
fabricating these engines of entertainment from, in most cases,
PVC pipe, and the scientific background for each device and
suggestions for further study by the intrepid investigator
who combines the curiosity of the intuitive experimentalist with
the native fascination of the
third chimpanzee
for things that go flash and bang.
If you live in Southern California, I'd counsel putting the Cincinnati Fire Kite and Dry Cleaner Bag Balloon experiments on hold until after the next big rain.
Posted at July 14, 2008 23:53