- Wood, Peter. Diversity: The Invention of
a Concept. San Francisco: Encounter Books,
2003. ISBN 1-893554-62-7.

- Jenkins, Dennis R. Magnesium Overcast: The Story of the
Convair B-36. North Branch, MN: Specialty Press, [2001]
2002. ISBN 1-58007-042-6.
- As alluded to by its nickname, the B-36, which first
flew in 1946, was one big airplane. Its 70 metre wingspan
is five metres more than the present-day 747-400 (64.4 m), although
the fuselage, at 49 metres, is shorter than the 70 metre 747. Later
versions, starting in 1950, were powered by ten engines:
six piston engines (with 28 cylinders each) driving
propellers, and four J47 jet engines, modified to run on the same
high-octane aviation gasoline as the piston engines. It could carry a
bomb load of 39,000 kg—no subsequent U.S. bomber came close to this
figure, which is the weight of an entire F-15E with maximum fuel and
weapons load. Depending on winds and mission profile, a B-36 could
stay aloft for more than 48 hours without refueling (for which it was
not equipped), and 30 hour missions were routinely flown.

- Milton, Julie and Richard Wiseman. Guidelines for Extrasensory Perception
Research. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press,
1997. ISBN 0-900458-74-7.

- Pickover, Clifford A. The Science of Aliens. New York:
Basic Books, 1998. ISBN 0-465-07315-8.

- Breslin, Jimmy. Can't Anybody Here Play
This Game? Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, [1963]
2003. ISBN 1-56663-488-1.

- Barnouw, Erik. Handbook of Radio
Writing. Boston: Little, Brown, 1939. LCCN 39-030193.
- This book is out of print. The link above will search for
used copies which, while not abundant, when available are generally
comparable in price to current hardbacks of similar length. The copy
I read is the 1939 first edition. A second edition was published in
1945; I haven't seen one and don't know how it may differ.

- Herrnstein, Richard J. and Charles Murray. The Bell Curve. New York:
The Free Press, [1994] 1996. ISBN 0-684-82429-9.

- Hitchens, Christopher. A Long Short War. New York:
Plume, 2003. ISBN 0-452-28498-8.

- Hanson, Victor Davis. Mexifornia. San Francisco:
Encounter Books, 2003. ISBN 1-893554-73-2.