Next: Job Descriptions
Up: Proposed Autodesk Organization
Previous: Proposed Structure
- That the board of directors approve the company structure and job
descriptions presented here.
- The board of directors proceed to immediately fill the CEO
position and turn the job of finding suitable candidates for the
other two positions over to the CEO, who will in turn make
recommendations for approval by the board.
- That none of the five senior management serve on the board of
directors. This would require Mike Ford to resign from the board
and a replacement be found. I recommend that we obtain someone who
is not a shareholder in Autodesk (possibly a banker).
- Provide economic incentives for John Walker and Dan Drake to close
- Reduce our need for part time employees by replacing them with full
time employees over the next several months.
As a final note, the job descriptions attached should be considered
preliminary since I have probably not included all functions, and some
functions listed under one manager may be appropriate under another.
Editor: John Walker